A person can experience depression in many degrees, it can be very severe needing immediate medical intervention or it can be a bit milder where counseling can help. The causes of depression can stem from any number of reasons including biological, genetic, environmental, and psychological factors.
Though depression is identified mainly by sadness there are a few others which can be attributed to depression.
Anxiety or Irritability
We often miss this symptom thinking that it is due to day-to-day stress. But a person with depression can also be restless and irritable showing anger and aggression this has to be verified by a professional.
Hopelessness, worthlessness, or helplessness
The person experiencing depression will feel all these symptoms together during depression. They will feel as though it was the end of the world and everything they do will be doomed anyway.
Loss of Interest
A person in depression will also lose interest in all kinds of entertainment including hobbies, music and activities most of the time anything they usually do for pleasure may seem like a chore to them.
Fatigue and Lack of Energy
Lack of energy and drowsiness is another symptom of depression. This is the most common occurrence during depression, the person won’t have the energy to even wake up from his bed and go do their daily activities.
Difficulty concentrating and remembering
Difficulty in focusing on the things around them to make decisions may also occur due to depression. The individual will find it difficult to remember things and concentrate on what they have to do.
Changes in Sleep or Appetite
People may face a change in their sleeping patterns and metabolism or there might be an increase or decrease in appetite. If you notice these changes you need to immediately consult a professional to get help.
Physical aches or pains that do not really have a physical cause
A person may feel physical pain which does not have a physical cause when they have depression. Even when they treat such pains they won’t find any relief.
Thoughts of Death or Suicide or Suicide attempts
In a few extreme cases, the person may feel like dying and will need immediate help from a specialist.
Even the most extreme case of depression can be treated by a combination of antidepressant medication, counselling and therapy sessions.
Each of the patients is different and so is the treatment, there is no one treatment for all formulas. It will take a personalised approach to find the best one for you. A professional therapist will help you choose the best treatment based on your symptoms. With help, you will feel better and live your life happier.